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About me

  • Award-winning author. Optioned screenwriter.
  • Screenplays. Novels. Audio podcasts.
  • Writing & Creativity coach. Marketing materials.
  • Available for interviews, readings, and signings.
  • For more about my projects, be sure to visit Tina Field Howe Creative, or
  • Contact me directly!

Margaret Goes to Town is a romance written in the reverse-harem
genre. What is ‘reverse-harem?’ The quick definition of a traditional
harem is one man and many women, so reverse-harem involves one
woman and many men!

Readers’ Favorite 5-Star Review Just In!

A big part of getting word out about a novel is to post reviews and
reader comments. Margaret is thrilled that her exploits have received
some accolades. Check them out!

From reviewer Adite Banerjie, Author and Screenwriter

“This was such a fun read. A geriatric coming of age story that's part
rom-com, part philosophical with a slice of 'Friends'. Enjoyed it
Review on Goodreads.

How Margaret’s best friend sums her up:

“It’s like you’re the star of your very own Fifty Shades of Geriatric Grey!

Book Release!


Digital Version
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Margaret Goes to Town

A Mature Comedy Romance Novel by Tina Field Howe

Why did I write this story?

One, there aren’t enough comedic romances written for people of, let’s say, ‘a
certain age,’ and I’ve been through enough during my lifetime to make me an
expert. Well, almost an expert!

Two, I’m passionate about bringing fun, uplifting stories to a wide, largely
ignored audience.

It’s set in a real place I have experience in.

New York State’s beautiful Finger Lakes Wine Country, comedy abounds when
Margaret, a lonely 72-year-old widow, is put on a dating app by her two besties.
She soon finds herself juggling three boyfriends while avoiding the attempts of
her controlling son and a few frenemies to stifle ‘aging’ Margaret’s freedom. Will
she be able to turn that lonely corner and live the life she deserves?

Scroll down a smidge to read my posts!

My friends suggested that I should start this column. Or is it called a ‘blog’
because I’m typing it into my website? My tech-literate daughter-in-law Sybil told
me ‘blog’ means web + log = blog. Okay, makes sense. Anyway, I’ve decided to give
it a try and catch you up on what’s happening in my life these days. It’s also a way
to make new friends (one can never have too many friends, right?). Here goes!

This page is a place to post thoughts about... well, everything:

Life things

Love things

Family things...

Whatever inspires me that day. Whatever feeds my mojo! I lend insights or pose
questions because, as I freely admit, even at an ‘advanced age,’ I sure don’t know
everything. (If we’re honest, the older we get, the less we can be certain of.)

Anyway, back on topic. Because I tend to be the curious sort, I welcome your
insights about life, too. Even arguments or rebuttals which you can send.

Margaret’s Mojo!

My Posts

If you can’t laugh at life…

…it’ll crush you.

Take, for example, Paul’s illness. Those were some trying years. But the 35 up to then
were the best, and I mean the
best! Paul and I met in college and became
inseparable. But until graduation, we weren’t aware that we wouldn’t be able to live
without each other after we parted. So, a few months later, we got married. A few
short years after that, we were blessed with one child, Dwight (who, trust me, took
up enough headspace for three children!). But Dwight’s a whole other story which
I’ll get to over time; let me restate: A little. At. A. Time.

I’ve been without my beloved Paul for three years now. Three long years, plus the
seven before he passed, have been grueling. The upside is, he visits me from the
afterlife! It’s reassuring to know there is an afterlife and that we’ll see each other
again. Later. Of course, while I’d prefer it be
much later, one never knows.

In the meantime, I’m learning to live and love again. Which is what Paul keeps
insisting he wants for me. He has a good time teasing me about “getting back out
there,” anyway. Or it could be my subconscious giving me permission to “cheat” on
him. Not that Paul would hold natural proclivities against me.

Speaking of hormones...

After Paul passed, I thought my hormones had forever retreated underground.

However, they kicked in bigtime once the boyfriends started to show up. I’m a lady
and will never divulge everything, but… I’m glad they resurfaced!

There’s something about hormones that make a woman feel human, like a wo-man
again. I’ve been able to feel them coursing through my body, and everything lights
up (Connie and Eudora tell me so, and you gotta believe your besties, right?). My
mood’s been better, and I hear bone strength and heart health are improved by
their presence. Hormones supply a woman’s life force -- her mojo. So bring ‘em on!

We might grow old in numbers, but we don’t have to grow “old.” Know what I
mean? Let me know if you agree!

My hormones made me do it.

Where was I? Oh, right.

In the middle of my last post, son Dwight had rudely interrupted me with his daily
check-in (more about Dwight and this “aging mother.” Rather, Dwight will be the
topic, no doubt, of several more to come!).

The issue I was referring to is – hormones!! Yes, I blame the revival of this dating
stuff on the supply of hormones that obviously still remain in my body. They’re
much less demanding than the ones raging through my bod in high school. Then in
college. And yes, they’re to blame for the conception of Dwight. (Before Paul
became ill, we had quite an, a-hem, active love life, if you get my drift, and I’m not
embarrassed to admit it). I don’t even want to mention the
heartbreak hormones
have caused!

Anyway, I think hormones get a lot of us women in trouble. Hormones are the
reason we bond with men and want to forever be with a man. Hormones are
like the
glue that keeps a woman persisting in the chase, capture, and nailing down of THAT
man, even when we know
he isn’t right for us and we look past behaviors that aren’t
good for us.

This little post doesn’t even scratch the surface! But dang, there’s nothing like a
good supply of hormones! There would be no human race without ‘em, am I right?
What problems have
hormones caused in your life? Care to share? I’m all ears...

I’ve been talking to my roses...

I sit on my patio on the east shore of beautiful Keuka Lake surrounded by
them, on the most perfect summer day!

The water gently laps at the dock with that pleasing sloshing sound. Far out on the
lake, sails filled with a decent breeze soar over the blue. I let out a deep sigh. How to
convey just
how blessed I feel to live in this peaceful place?

Keuka Lake is cradled in hills smack in the middle of New York State’s Wine
Country. Many compare the surrounding rolling vineyards to those in Northern
California (NoCal, I believe they call it, which I’d like to visit one day). Anyway, this is
the perfect environment for grapes which thrive in the misty mornings that awaken
to the sunshine! I pay attention to the weather because many
prize-winning wines
come out of the Finger Lakes, and I seldom say “no” to a good glass of wine!

Although my cottage was built in the 1940s, it’s in decent shape. The cottage and
my roses have been like best friends for the last three years, since my husband Paul
exited the Earthly plain. I live here on my own, and that’s not likely to change.

I still have some issues to work through, which I often discuss with my beautiful
roses and which I’m ready to
make you privy to. The first issue is – oops, the
phone’s ringing. I’ll get back to you!

Yeah, I’m ‘old,’ so what?

They say age is just a number, and if there’s anything I’ve learned over the last
few years – a-hem, over the last
many years – it’s that this is so true!

Sure, most of us of a certain ‘mature’ demographic have a few aches and pains, a
knee or hip replacement here and there (which a few of my friends have
experienced, and I might very well be next in line), which goes almost without
saying. But… since I said it, the alternative to suffering those glitches in life isn’t very
desirable, either. And in case you didn’t immediately pick up on my drift, that
‘alterative’ is the hereafter where dwells my dearly departed Paul :(

I figure that aging is more about your approach to it. Your attitude to face with as
much grace as you can muster whatever negative comes your way, learn from it,
and look ahead to a brighter day when you’ll be healed. Hmm… But isn’t this a
lifelong process starting from birth? Facing hardships and recovering from
emotional hurts, physical hurts? Picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, resuming
a course or setting a new one? Yeah. That’s what it’s all about.

These are an “old lady’s” thoughts, but what do you think?

Care to take a moment to share your perspective with me?

I just might share it with others…

Top of page

Margaret Goes to Town is a wonderful, light-hearted tale of a woman returning to the dating scene
in her 70s with the encouragement of her close friends. It’s a fast-paced story for the most part,
mirroring the new action-packed dating life Margaret finds herself in with her many admirers. Still,
it also has moments of calm where the reader, just like Margaret, can slow down, collect their
thoughts, and reflect on the love quadrangle that has become part of her world. Thematically,
while it touches on grief and loss, Margaret Goes to Town focuses more on friendship, love, and
family, with elements of betrayal and jealousy underlying the main storyline. There is a wonderful
element of dramatic irony in this book, as the reader is aware of the threat of intervention by
Dwight, and others he’s conspiring with, before Margaret herself has any idea. Tina Field Howe
enhances this by including short sections written from different characters’ perspectives. I
enjoyed this book immensely. It is charming, fun, and a delight to read. The author has created an
original, compelling story that is not only engaging and witty but almost impossible to put down! I
highly recommend this book to fans of romantic fiction, or to anyone who is looking for a breezy,
gloriously entertaining book full of shenanigans and laughter! Review on Readers’ Favorite

by Emily Maynard for Readers’ Favorite

Two years ago, Margaret lost Paul, her husband, and the love of her life. She has since
isolated herself in her lakeside home and has rarely returned to the town they lived in
together since his passing. Her friends Connie and Eudora think it’s high time to get out
there and start meeting new people, and set her up on a dating site. Her first match
seems like a keeper; they have a lot in common and he comes across as a perfect

An unexpected connection to a yoga instructor and a chance encounter with her high
school crush leaves Margaret with much more on her plate than she could’ve imagined.
That’s before she learns of the subterfuge and shady actions undertaken by so-called
friends, and her son Dwight, who seems to think she’s losing her marbles. Margaret Goes
to Town by Tina Field Howe is the compelling story of a woman discovering that there is
life after loss, even if it can get a bit complicated.

Reviews & Reader Comments!

Reader comments are coming in! Thank you for your kind appraisals!

These will be helpful as Margaret plans her next journey! (Oh, yes, there will be a next one!)

Said beta reader Seda Anbarci, screenwriter & filmmaker:

“Being a part of Margaret’s world is delightful. Her creative and quirky ways of dealing with love
and grief are truly inspiring and fun!”

Margaret would like to thank the beta readers and editors who helped work out
some kinks!

Seda Anbarci

Andrea Cabañas

Susan DePumpo (proof editor)

Alan Field

Laurissa Hatch (proof editor)

Pinky Henson

Pierre Lalancette

Rick “Boomer” Murrhee

Cathy Simrell

Thank you to my many writing teachers.

Thank you, Mom, for inspiring my love of reading.

Thank you!

Beta Readers

Margaret Goes to Town Paperback & ebook!

Thanks to all for your support of independent authors and publishers!

Please be sure to leave reviews on the site you purchased from or send them
directly to Margaret! Thank you!

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Barnes & Noble (paperback & epub)

Apple (epub)

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BookLocker (publisher: paperback, epub, pdf, Kindle)
